News & Research Highlights

Atomic & Molecular Physics
The Mysterious Fermi Gap

In 2008, the Deborah Jin Group introduced a new technique, known as atom photoemission spectroscopy, to study a strongly interacting ultracold gas cloud of potassium (40K) atoms at the crossover point between Bose-Einstein condensation and superfl uidity via the pairing of fermionic atoms (See JILA Light & Matter, Summer 2008). Near the crossover point, the physics of superfl uidity in an atom gas system may be connected to that of high-temperature superconductivity.

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Investigators: Deborah Jin
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Redefining Chemistry at JILA

Fellows Deborah Jin, Jun Ye, and John Bohn are exploring new scientific territory in cold-molecule chemistry. Experimentalists Jin and Ye and their colleagues can now manipulate, observe, and control ultralow-temperature potassium-rubidium (KRb) molecules in their lowest quantum-mechanical state. Theorist Bohn analyzes what the experimentalists see and predicts molecule behaviors under different conditions.

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Investigators: Deborah Jin | Jun Ye | Konrad Lehnert
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Freeze Frame

The cold-molecule collaboration has developed a method for directly imaging ultracold ground-state KRb molecules. Their old method required the transfer of ultracold KRb molecules into a Feshbach state, which is sensitive to electric and magnetic fields. Thus researchers had to turn off the electric field and keep the magnetic field at a fixed value during the imaging process.

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Investigators: Deborah Jin | Jun Ye
Chemical Physics
Good Vibrations

Mathias Weber and his team recently did the following experiment: They excited the methyl group (CH3) on one end of nitromethane anion (CH3NO2-) with an infrared (IR) laser. The laser got the methyl group vibrating with enough energy to get the nitro group (NO2) at the other end of the molecule wagging hard enough to spit out its extra electron.

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Investigators: J. Mathias Weber
Atomic & Molecular Physics | Precision Measurement
The BEC Transporter

The Dana Z. Anderson group has developed a microchip-based system that not only rapidly produces Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), but also is compact and transportable. The complete working system easily fits on an average-sized rolling cart. This technology opens the door to using ultracold matter in gravity sensors, atomic clocks, inertial sensors, as well as in electric- and magnetic-field sensing. Research associate Dan Farkas demonstrated the new system at the American Physical Society’s March 2010 meeting, held in Portland, Oregon, March 15–19, 2010.

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Investigators: Dana Anderson
Precision Measurement
Nanomeasurement is a Matter of the Utmost Precision

Not content with stepping on their bathroom scales each morning to watch the arrow spin round to find their weights, former research associate John Teufel and Fellow Konrad Lehnert decided to build a nifty system that could measure more diminutive forces of half an attoNewton (0.5 x 10-18 N). Their new system consists of a tiny oscillating mechanical wire embedded in a microwave cavity with an integrated microwave interferometer, two amplifiers (one of them virtually noiseless), and a signal detector.

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Investigators: Konrad Lehnert
Precision Measurement
Fermions in Collision?

According to the laws of quantum mechanics, identical fermions at very low temperatures can’t collide. These unfriendly subatomic particles, atoms, or molecules simply will not share the same piece of real estate with an identical twin. A few years back, researchers in the Ye lab considered this unneighborly behavior a big advantage in designing a new optical atomic clock based on an ensemble of identical 87Sr atoms. 

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Investigators: Jun Ye
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Fortune’s Bubbles Rise and Fall

A while back, former graduate student Scott Papp, graduate student Juan Pino, and Fellow Carl Wieman decided to see what would happen as they changed the magnetic field around a mixture of two different rubidium (Rb) isotopes during Bose-Einstein condensation.

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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Extreme "Sheep" Herding

The new molecules are as big as a virus. They’re ultracold. And, they’re held together by a ghostly quantum mechanical force field with the energy of about 100 billionths of an electron volt. These strange diatomic rubidium (Rb) molecules are the world’s first long-range Rydberg molecules. They were recently formed in Tilman Pfau’s laboratory at the University of Stuttgart from an ultracold cloud of Rb atoms. 

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Investigators: Chris Greene
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Rave Reviews for the Efimov Quartet

The most peculiar and fragile "molecules" ever discovered are the weakly bound triatomic Efimov molecules that form under specific conditions in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). JILA theorists have now shown that such molecules can interact with an additional atom to form "daughter" molecules, which inherit many of their mother’s characteristics.

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Investigators: Chris Greene
Atomic & Molecular Physics | Nanoscience
Holy Monodromy!

Monodromy literally means "once around." The term is applied in mathematics to systems that run around a singularity. In these systems, a parameter that describes the state of the system changes when the system loops around the singularity. Since monodromy’s discovery in 1980, mathematicians have predicted that many physical systems have it, including pendulums and tops as well as atoms and molecules.

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Investigators: Heather Lewandowski
Chemical Physics
A Light Changing Experience

The Weber group wants to understand how the individual building blocks of DNA interact with ultraviolet (UV) light. Such knowledge would be an important step toward gaining a detailed understanding of the molecular processes responsible for the UV-induced DNA damage that results in mutations and can lead to cancer or cell death.

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Investigators: J. Mathias Weber
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Free Association Tunes

Starting with ultracold atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate, it’s possible to create coherent superpositions of atoms and molecules. Fellow Carl Wieman and others have done exactly this. Recently, the Jin group wondered if it would be possible to accomplish the same thing starting with a normal gas cloud of atoms.

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Investigators: Deborah Jin
Biophysics | Chemical Physics | Nanoscience
It Takes Two to Tango

Quantum dots are tiny structures made of semiconductor materials. With diameters of 1–5 nm, they are small enough to constrain their constituents in all three dimensions. This constraint means that when a photon of light knocks an electron into the conduction band and creates an electron/hole pair, the pair can’t get out of the dot.

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Investigators: David Nesbitt
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Altered States

Understanding how molecules collide is a hot topic in ultracold physics. Knowing the number of times molecules crash into each other and what happens when they do helps theorists predict the best ways to cool molecules to merely cold (1 K–1 mK), pretty cold (1 mK–1 µk), or ultracold (< 1 µK) temperatures.

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Investigators: John Bohn
Biophysics | Nanoscience
How to Marry a Microscope

The most important step for a microscope wanting to marry another microscope is finding the right partner. A professional matchmaker, such as the Perkins lab, might be just the ticket. The group recently presided over the nuptials of atomic force microscopy and optical-trapping microscopy. Research associate Gavin King, graduate students Ashley Carter and Allison Churnside, CU freshman Louisa Eberle, and Fellow Tom Perkins officiated. The marriage produced an ultrastable atomic force microscope (AFM) capable of precisely studying proteins in real-world (ambient) conditions.

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Related Publications: Ultrastable atomic force microscopy: atomic-scale stability and registration in ambient conditionsInvestigators: Thomas Perkins
Quantum Information Science & Technology
Qubits in Action

Fellows Ana Maria Rey and Jun Ye have come up with a clever idea that should make it much easier to design a quantum computer based on alkaline-earth atoms such as strontium (Sr). In this work, they collaborated with former research associate Marty Boyd, former JILA Fellow Peter Zoller (University of Innsbruck), and colleagues from Harvard University and the University of Innsbruck.

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Investigators: Ana Maria Rey
Atomic & Molecular Physics | Chemical Physics
Collision Course

The Greene group just figured out everything you theoretically might want to know about four fermions "crashing" into each other at low energies. Low energies in this context mean ultracold temperatures under conditions where large, floppy Feshbach molecules form. The group decided to investigate four fermions because this number makes up the smallest ultracold few-body system exhibiting behaviors characteristic of the transition between Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity. 

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Investigators: Chris Greene
Biophysics | Chemical Physics | Nanoscience
Explosive Evidence

Imagine being able to study how molecules form on the quantum level. It turns out that researchers have already figured out some nifty techniques involving lasers and jets of reactive atoms for doing just that in a gaseous environment. Now graduate student Alex Zolot, former Visiting Fellow Paul Dagdikian of Johns Hopkins University, and Fellow David Nesbitt have taken this kind of study into a whole different arena: They recently probed the molecules that form when the surface of a liquid is bombarded with a very reactive gas.

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Investigators: David Nesbitt
Laser Physics | Nanoscience
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

An oxygen molecule (O2) doesn't fall apart so easily — even when an X-ray knocks out one of its electrons and superexcites the molecule during a process called photoionization. In this process, the X-ray first removes an electron from deep inside the molecule, leaving a hole in O2+. Then, an outer electron can fall into the hole, and a second outer electron gets ejected, carrying away any excess energy. The loss of the second electron is known as autoionization, or Auger decay.

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Investigators: Henry Kapteyn | Margaret Murnane