D. Doughty

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1 A.C. Gallagher, J.. Doyle, and D.A. Doughty, MRS Proceedings 149, (1989).
1 J.. Doyle, D.A. Doughty, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 71, (1992).
1 J.. Doyle, D.A. Doughty, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 71, (1992).
1 J.. Doyle, D.A. Doughty, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 69, (1991).
1 D.A. Doughty, J.. Doyle, G.-H.. Lin, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 67, (1990).
1 J.. Doyle, D.A. Doughty, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 68, (1990).
1 D.A. Doughty, and A.C. Gallagher, Journal of Applied Physics 67, (1990).
1 D.A. Doughty, and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 42, (1990).