JILA PFC Homepage

Exploiting the hyperfine structure in repulsive light-assisted collisions (LAC) on a 87-Rubidium atom pair in an optical tweezer. 
Quantum Billiard Balls: Digging Deeper into Light-Assisted Atomic Collisions

When atoms collide, their exact structure—for example, the number of electrons they have or even the quantum spin of their nuclei—has a lot to say about how they bounce off each other. This is especially true for…

Cells with around 100 billion rubidium atoms are exposed to microwave signals, which help to determine the atoms' magnetic fields
Tracking Magnetic Field Directions Using Tiny Atomic Compasses

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a novel method to measure magnetic field orientations using atoms as minuscule compasses. The research, a collaboration between JILA Fellow and CU…

Schematic of the multi-level atomic array structure used in this study
Making a Leap by Using “Another State to Entangle”

Interactions between atoms and light rule the behavior of our physical world, but, at the same time, can be extremely complex. Understanding and harnessing them is one of the major challenges for the development of…

A schematic of the deposition process, as thorium ions get vaporized then deposited in a thin film on the substrate's surface.
Building a Safer and More Affordable Nuclear Clock

In the quest for ultra-precise timekeeping, scientists have turned to nuclear clocks. Unlike optical atomic clocks—which rely on electronic transitions—nuclear clocks utilize the energy transitions in the atom’s…

A pencil-shaped ultracold gas of frozen two-level atoms interacting via photon-mediated interactions, with elastic and inelastic components. A continuous laser drive excites the atoms on-resonance. Atoms also spontaneously emit photons into free-space.
No Cavity, No Party: Free-Space Atoms Give Superradiant Transition a Pass

Isolated atoms in free space radiate energy at their own individual pace. However, atoms in an optical cavity interact with the photons bouncing back and forth from the cavity mirrors, and by doing so, they…

World map of number of survey responses. Shown on a log scale, each colored country has at least one response; countries in gray have no responses.
Creating a Global Map of Different Physics Laboratory Classes

Physics lab courses are vital to science education, providing hands-on experience and technical skills that lectures can’t offer. Yet, it’s challenging for those in Physics Education Research (PER) to compare course…

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Major Activities

JILA PFC Partnerships

FIU logo.FIU-JILA Partnership for Research and Education in Physics: https://fiujilaprep.fiu.edu/Student-faculty exchange diagram.

An NSF-sponsored partnership between FIU Physics and JILA Physics Frontier Center (PFC) for research excellence and diversity in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics. Click diagram for a larger image.

Latest News

Congratulations to JILA graduate students Anya Grafov and Iona Binnie—who conduct their cutting-edge research in the laboratory of JILA Fellows and the University of Colorado Boulder professors Margaret Murnane and Henry Kapteyn—for their outstanding achievements at the MMM Intermag 2025 conference!


Recent Publications

Modulated ringdown comb interferometry for sensing of highly complex gases
1 Q.. Liang, A.. Bisht, A.. Scheck, P.. Schunemann, and J.. Ye, Nature 638, (2025).
Investigators: Jun Ye
Coherent evolution of superexchange interaction in seconds long optical clock spectroscopy
1 W.. Milner, S.. Lannig, M.. Mamaev, L.. Yan, A.. Chu, B.. Lewis, M.. Frankel, R.B. Hutson, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Science in press, (2025).
Investigators: Ana Maria Rey | Jun Ye
Observation of Generalized t-J Spin Dynamics with Tunable Dipolar Interactions
1 A.N. Carroll, H.. Hirzler, C.. Miller, D.. Wellnitz, S.R. Muleady, J.. Lin, K.. Zamarski, R.R.W. Wang, J.L. Bohn, A.M.. Rey, and J.. Ye, Science in press, (2025).
Investigators: Ana Maria Rey | Jun Ye | John Bohn
Quantifying Light-assisted Collisions in Optical Tweezers Across the Hyperfine Spectrum
1 S.. Pampel, M.. Marinelli, M.O. Brown, J.P. D’Incao, and C.A. Regal, Physical Review Letters 134, (2025).
Investigators: Cindy Regal | Jose D'Incao
Engineering One Axis Twisting via a Dissipative Berry Phase Using Strong Symmetries
1 J.. Young, E.. Chaparro, A.. Piñeiro Orioli, J.K. Thompson, and A.M.. Rey, Physical Review Letters 134, (2025).
Investigators: James Thompson | Ana Maria Rey
Entanglement and iSWAP gate between molecular qubits
1 L.. Picard, A.. Park, G.. Patenotte, S.. Gebretsadkan, D.. Wellnitz, A.M. Rey, and K.-K.. Ni, Nature 637, (2025).
Investigators: Ana Maria Rey