K-M Group

Kapteyn/Murnane group


Eric grew up in Shanghai, China and received his B.S. in Physics and Computer Science at University of California, Los Angeles, during which he developed a generalized model for spin transport in magnetic materials. After joining the group of Dr. Henry Kapteyn and Dr. Margaret Murnane at JILA in CU Boulder, he began to study approaches to probing various magnetic structures and dynamics using tabletop high harmonic generation (HHG) and synchrotron laser systems. In his spare time, Eric likes playing badminton, video games, and spends loads of time in skiing during winter seasons.

Congratulations to Bin Wang for Receiving the 2022 SPIE BACUS Scholarship


Congratulations to Bin Wang for receiving the 2022 SPIE BACUS Scholarship!  The SPIE BACUS Scholarship was set up in 1998 to reward the most qualified students who wish to work in the fields of photomask and microlithography manufacturing for the semiconductor industry.  This award will partially assist with pursuing Bin's career goals in the fields of microlithography, photomask technology and/or optical/EUV photolithography technologies.  

The BACUS Steering Committee, in concert with the SPIE Scholarship Committee, will work with institutions of higher learning to identify candidates and award scholarships to help prepare them to make significant contributions to industry.



Will grew up in Half Moon Bay, California. While pursuing a B.S. in Physics at UC Santa Barbara, he began his optics career as an intern at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. There he studied high-temperature superconductors with optical pump-probe, synchrotron, and terahertz spectroscopy systems. After graduating in 2017, he developed phased laser arrays for the Breakthrough Starshot program and extensively traveled North America as a touring musician. Will started his Ph.D.

Congratulations to Charlie Bevis for receiving a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF)


The European Commission will support a total of 1156 experienced post-doctoral researchers with €242 million to work at top universities, research centres, private organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe and the rest of the world. The European Research Executive Agency (REA) received 8356 applications for this call. The Commission will award €206 million to 1025 researchers through European Postdoctoral Fellowships, allowing them to carry out their projects in the EU or countries associated to Horizon Europe. The action provides support to excellent individual researchers to implement an original and personalized research project, while developing their skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility.

Congratulations to Quynh Nguyen for Being Awarded the Stanford Q-FARM Bloch Postdoc Fellowship


Q-FARM (Quantum Fundamentals, ARchitectures and Machines) is Stanford's initiative in quantum science and engineering.  The QFARM student fellowships are awarded to advanced graduate students working in quantum science and engineering.  Fellowship criteria are excellence in their research, and demonstrated potential for building new links within the Stanford quantum community.  Each awardee receives two years of funding.

Brendan McBennett wins a Best Student Presentation Award for Symposium EN03: Thermal Materials, Modeling and Technoeconomic Impacts for Thermal Management and Energy Application at the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting


Congratulations to Brendan McBennett for winning a Best Student Presentation Award for Symposium EN03: Thermal Materials, Modeling and Technoeconomic Impacts for Thermal Management and Energy Application at the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2021, for the presentation "New Transport Behavior in Nanostructured Silicon—Increased In-Plane Phonon Scattering Drives Enhanced Thermal Conduction"


Ting is originally from Taiwan, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Space Science and Master of Science degree in physics. After working in the semiconductor and x-ray industries for two years, he came to the US to study optics. Ting received his PhD degree in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona in 2017.

Ultrafast Laser Science

Science and technology are inextricably linked and continue to drive each other. Ultrafast lasers have revolutionized our understanding of how molecules and materials work and how charges, spins, phonons and photons interact dynamically. In past research, our group designed Ti:sapphire lasers that operate at the limits of pulse duration and stability, with adjustable pulse durations from 7 fs on up. 

Nanoscale Acoustic Metrologies

The demand for faster, more efficient, and more compact nanoelectronic devices, like smartphone chips, requires engineers to develop increasingly complex designs. To achieve this, engineers use layer upon layer of very thin films – as thin as only a couple strands of DNA – with impurities added, to tailor the function.