Joseph Silk

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1 J.. Silk, M.C. Begelman, C.. Norman, A.. Nusser, and R.F.G. Wyse, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 961, (2024).
1 M.C. Begelman, and J.. Silk, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 526, (2023).
1 J.M. Shull, and J.. Silk, The Astrophysical Journal 234, (1979).
1 M.J. Barlow, and J.. Silk, The Astrophysical Journal 211, (1977).
1 M.J. Barlow, and J.. Silk, The Astrophysical Journal 215, (1977).
1 J.M. Shull, and J.. Silk, The Astrophysical Journal 249, (1981).
1 E.B. Jenkins, J.. Silk, E.M. Leep, and G.. Wallerstein, The Astrophysical Journal 248, (1981).
1 M.C. Begelman, and J.. Silk, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464, (2016).