W. Morgan

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1 W.L. Morgan, Applied Physics Letters 55, (1989).
1 W.L. Morgan, in (Springer US, Boston, MA, 1989), pp. 139–145.
1 W.L. Morgan, Journal of Applied Physics 65, (1989).
1 W.L. Morgan, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 12, (1992).
1 W.L. Morgan, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 12, (1992).
1 W.L. Morgan, (1991).
1 W.L. Morgan, and B.. Penetrante, Computer Physics Communications 58, (1990).
1 W.L. Morgan, (1990).
1 S.. Pancheshnyi, S.. Biagi, M.C. Bordage, G.. Hagelaar, W.L. Morgan, A.V. Phelps, and L.C. Pitchford, Chemical Physics 398, (2012).