Tom wins Governor’s High Impact Research Award Teaser Tom wins Governor’s High Impact Research Award. Read more about Tom wins Governor’s High Impact Research Award
Congrats to Stephen and Lyle for the lovely paper on Force-activated DNA substrates Teaser Congrats to Stephen and Lyle for the lovely paper on Force-activated DNA substrates. Read more about Congrats to Stephen and Lyle for the lovely paper on Force-activated DNA substrates
Perkins lab awarded an NSF grant to study globular protein folding and response to mechanical force Teaser Perkins lab awarded an NSF grant to study globular protein folding and response to mechanical force. Read more about Perkins lab awarded an NSF grant to study globular protein folding and response to mechanical force
Hau Yu departs to start his own group as a Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Good luck and thanks for being part of the lab Teaser Hau Yu departs to start his own group as a Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Good luck and thanks for being part of the lab! Read more about Hau Yu departs to start his own group as a Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Good luck and thanks for being part of the lab
Physics Today reviews Perkins lab AFM research over last 5 years in a multi-page article. Thanks to everyone for this collaborative effort Teaser Physics Today reviews Perkins lab AFM research over last 5 years in a multi-page article. Thanks to everyone for this collaborative effort. doi: Read more about Physics Today reviews Perkins lab AFM research over last 5 years in a multi-page article. Thanks to everyone for this collaborative effort
Congratulations to Rob on the birth of his daughter, Flora Rosemarie Walder Teaser Congratulations to Rob on the birth of his daughter, Flora Rosemarie Walder. Read more about Congratulations to Rob on the birth of his daughter, Flora Rosemarie Walder
Congrats to Hao and Matt for their Science paper and its accompanying perspective Teaser Congrats to Hao and Matt for their Science paper and its accompanying perspective. Read more about Congrats to Hao and Matt for their Science paper and its accompanying perspective