Jun Ye


Nelson joined the lab in September 2022 as a Humboldt postdoctoral fellow. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Bloch group at LMU in Munich, where he worked on ultracold ytterbium quantum gases in optical lattices. For his thesis work, he explored how the clock state of ytterbium can be employed for the simulation of interesting multiorbital models from solid-state physics.


I am a VATAT postdoctoral research fellow working on high-precision mid-IR spectroscopy of buffer gas cooled fullerenes.  I earned my PhD in the Fleischer lab at Tel-Aviv University on ultrafast rotational echo spectroscopy and coherent molecular dynamics of gas phase ensembles.


I am an NRC postdoc using XUV frequency combs to search for the anomalously low nuclear transition of thorium-229 with the goal of building a nuclear clock. I completed my Ph.D. in the Engel Group at the University of Chicago studying the relationship between vibronic coupling and evolutionary photoprotection in photosynthetic proteins using two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy.