JILA Hosts First Posterfest Since the COVID-19 Pandemic

Submitted by kennac on

JILA hosted its 8th annual Posterfest, marking a vibrant return to its traditional format after disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Held on April 18, this community event provided a platform for graduate students to showcase their research to the wider JILA community. Structured around three 30-minute presentation intervals, the event was designed to facilitate a broad range of discussions and allowed presenters and attendees to network, explore other projects, and enjoy refreshments together.

JILA Celebrates Custodial Appreciation Day

Submitted by kennac on

In the early morning hours at JILA, before most of the laboratories are up and running, a team of custodians diligently works to ensure the building is clean and safe for use. Because each laboratory has different requirements for what can and cannot be cleaned, the challenge of tidying JILA’s many facilities is far from straightforward. However, the team of six custodians, Boua Sayavong, Nouan Saengdara, Beatriz Soto, Irma Bernard, Gabriela Soto, and Gabriela Mora, who have had years of experience dealing with JILA’s unique requirements, handle these challenges in stride.