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- When doing an experiment, I try to understand how the experimental setup works. (q01)
- If I wanted to, I think I could be good at doing research. (q27)
- When doing a physics experiment, I don't think much about sources of systematic error. (q03)
- If I am communicating results from an experiment, my main goal is to have the correct sections and formatting. (q22)
- Calculating uncertainties usually helps me understand my results better. (q06)
- Scientific journal articles are helpful for answering my own questions and designing experiments. (q19)
- I don't enjoy doing physics experiments. (q24)
- When doing an experiment, I try to understand the relevant equations. (q10)
- When I approach a new piece of lab equipment, I feel confident I can learn how to use it well enough for my purposes. (q28)
- Whenever I use a new measurement tool, I try to understand its performance limitations. (q05)
- Computers are helpful for plotting and analyzing data. (q11)
- I don't need to understand how the measurement tools and sensors work in order to carry out an experiment. (q02)
- If I try hard enough, I can succeed at doing physics experiments. (q26)
- When doing an experiment, I usually think up my own questions to investigate. (q13)
- Designing and building things is an important part of doing physics experiments. (q15)
- The primary purpose of doing a physics experiment is to confirm previously known results. (q30)
- When I encounter difficulties in the lab, my first step is to ask an expert, like the instructor. (q16)
- Communicating scientific results to peers is a valuable part of doing physics experiments. (q18)
- Working in a group is an important part of doing physics experiments. (q20)
- I enjoy building things and working with my hands. (q23)
- I am usually able to complete an experiment without understanding the equations and physics ideas that describe the system I am investigating. (q09)
- If I am communicating results from an experiment, my main goal is to make conclusions based on my data using scientific reasoning. (q21)
- When I am doing an experiment, I try to make predictions to see if my results are reasonable. (q12)
- Nearly all students are capable of doing a physics experiment if they work at it. (q25)
- A common approach for fixing a problem with an experiment is to randomly change things until the problem goes away. (q17)
- It is helpful to understand the assumptions that go into making predictions. (q04)
- When doing an experiment, I just follow the instructions without thinking about their purpose. (q14)
- I do not expect doing an experiment to help my understanding of physics. (q29)
- If I don't have clear directions for analyzing data, I am not sure how to choose an appropriate analysis method. (q07)
- Physics experiments contribute to the growth of scientific knowledge. (q31)