Lewandowski PER Group Projects

Course Assessments:

SPRUCE: Measurement Uncertainty

SPRUCE is designed for introductory physics labs and is to be administered in a pre-instruction then post-instruction implementation, can be administered outside of class, and takes most students under 30 minutes to complete. Shortly after the post-instruction administration, instructors will receive a report outlining student performance along 14 assessment objectives.

Contact - Gayle Geschwind - gayle.geschwind@colorado.edu, Heather Lewandowski - lewandoh@colorado.edu


MAPLE: Modeling in labs

MAPLE is designed to measure the proficiency of students at modeling in either an upper-division optics or electronics lab course. MAPLE is administered online through two links that will be sent to you, one for the pre-test and another for the post-test. The electronics post-survey involves a basic op-amp circuit, and the optics post-survey involves polarizers. The pre-survey for both assessments uses a pendulum as the experimental context.

Contact- Rachael Merritt - rachael.merritt@colorado.edu, Heather Lewandowski - lewandoh@colorado.edu


E-CLASS: Views about experimental physics

E-CLASS is designed to assess students' views about their strategies, habits of mind, and attitudes when doing experiments in lab classes at all levels. Students also reflect on how those same strategies, habits of mind, and attitudes are practiced by professional researchers. Finally, at the end of the semester, students reflect on how their own course valued those practices in terms of earning a good grade.

Contact - Heather Lewandowski - lewandoh@colorado.edu


Lab Taxonomy:

Contact - Gayle Geschwind - gayle.geschwind@colorado.edu, Heather Lewandowski - lewandoh@colorado.edu

Our goal is to start developing an understanding of physics lab courses across the world as a first step in building a community to improve experimental physics education broadly. We’re hoping you’ll take a survey about the undergraduate physics lab course you teach at the link below it should take about 10-15 minutes for you to complete.


Additionally, we are hoping to reach as many people as possible, so please feel free to send the survey link out to your contacts who teach undergraduate physics lab courses, and you can let them know to send it to their contacts as well.

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs):

Contact- Rachael Merritt - rachael.merritt@colorado.edu, Heather Lewandowski - lewandoh@colorado.edu

We are currently looking for instructors who are interested in contributing to a project (via an interview), where we aim to develop resources and a framework to help others to build their own CURE courses.

Cloud-based BEC experiment

Contact - Tori Borish - victoria.borish@colorado.edu, Heather Lewandowski - lewandoh@colorado.edu

Through an industrial partnership with Infleqtion, we are beginning a project to develop free educational materials utilizing Infleqtion's Bose-Einstein-Condensate (BEC) experimental platform Quantum Matter Service (QMS) (previously called Albert). This platform is free and available for anyone to use. This will allow students at all institutions the possibility of interacting with quantum matter via a real experiment they can control online.

To ensure these materials are relevant to the broader community, we are inviting you to participate in a study to help understand instructors' interest and concerns about the use of this cloud-based quantum experiment in undergraduate courses. If you teach an upper-level quantum or beyond-first-year lab course (or any other course where you might consider incorporating this experimental platform) and are interested in participating, please complete the following survey:

BEC Quantum Matter Service Survey

PER - Resources for Instructors

PER - Resources for Researchers


Physics/STEM Education Postdocs at University of Colorado, Boulder, CO and RIT, Rochester, NY

Two Postdoc positions in Physics/STEM Education Research, one at University of Colorado-Boulder in the group of Heather Lewandowski and one at Rochester Institute of Technology in the group of Ben Zwickl.

Applications are being accepted for post-doctoral positions to work on a new project titled: “Education landscape for quantum information science & engineering: Guiding educational innovation to support quantum career paths,” which seeks to acquire large-scale data about quantum information science and engineering (QISE) education. The project will use qualitative (individual and focus group interviews) and quantitative methods (surveys, web scraping) to meet three goals: (1) better characterize the knowledge skills and abilities needed for jobs in QISE, (2) characterize the landscape of courses, degree programs, and other educational programs in higher education, including pedagogical approaches and efforts at broadening participation and (3) seek to inform educators and leaders about these trends to guide the creation and improvement of such programs.