The Jimenez group is always looking for highly motivated researchers interested in working at the interfaces of chemical physics, biochemistry, optics and biology. Opportunties may be available for high school students, undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs. Postdoctoral candidates who are U.S. citizens are encouraged to contact Ralph Jimenez to discuss postdoctoral fellowships from the National Research Council Research Associateship Programs.
Postdoctoral position immediately available in the Jimenez group at JILA/CU Boulder
September, 2021
I’m seeking a postdoc with expertise in experimental physical chemistry, biophysics, chemical physics, or a related field. We’re beginning a new project exploring quantum optical measurements and control of chemical and biochemical function. The postdoc will lead the development of and experiments with a single-photon, single molecule spectroscopy system. As an example of my group’s work on quantum optics of molecular systems, please refer to our recent publication Parzuchowski et al. “Setting bounds on entangled two-photon absorption cross-sections in common fluorophores,”, in addition to related publications on the Arxiv and listed on this website.
Contact Ralph Jimenez for more information:
Ralph Jimenez
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309-0440