Changala Group Research

Bryan Changala photo.

Quantum science and technology are propelled by our ability to understand and control quantum matter of ever increasing complexity. In no context is this truer than in molecular science, where the rich intramolecular dynamics of interacting electrons and nuclei span vast scales of both time and space. Harnessing this complexity with the modern tools of AMO physics promises to provide the crucial physical insights needed to tailor molecular properties, guide chemical synthesis, and control the light-matter interactions of molecular platforms essential to applications in quantum sensing, chemical science, and fundamental molecular physics.

My research group develops and applies advanced spectroscopic tools across the electromagnetic spectrum to probe and control the quantum states of complex molecular systems isolated from their environment. We combine microwave and optical frequency comb light sources with cavity-enhanced spectroscopy and cold-molecule techniques to measure and manipulate exotic and reactive molecules, including ions, radicals, metal-ligand complexes, and nanoscale molecular platforms. Much of our experimental work is crucially advanced by closely coordinated theoretical studies using quantum chemical methods developed by our group. This joint approach allows us to address problems in fields ranging from materials and many-body physics to astrochemistry and quantum molecular science from a rigorous molecular perspective grounded in high-precision spectroscopy.

Our research is in four main categories

  1. Astrochemistry and molecular growth in extreme environments
  2. Chemically tuning molecular optical, electronic, and spin properties
  3. Large molecules and intramolecular spin networks
  4. Quantum chemistry and nuclear motion theory