1 K.. Parzuchowski, Setting Experimental Bounds on Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Sections, University of Colorado, 2023.
1 D.J. Lum, M.D. Mazurek, A.. Mikhaylov, K.. Parzuchowski, R.N. Wilson, M.T. Cicerone, R.. Jimenez, T.. Gerrits, M.J. Stevens, and C.H. Camp, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2020).
1 A.. Mikhaylov, K.. Parzuchowski, M.. Mazurek, D.J. Lum, T.. Gerrits, C.H. Champ, M.. Stevens, and R.. Jimenez, Advanced Optical Techniques for Quantum Information, Sensing, and Metrology Proceedings of SPIE, (2020).