Ivan Christov

First name
Last name
1 H.. Kapteyn, O.. Cohen, I.. Christov, and M.. Murnane, Science 317, (2007).
1 A.J. Paul, E.. Gibson, X.. Zhang, A.L. Lytle, T.. Popmintchev, X.. Zhou, M.. Murnane, I.. Christov, and H.. Kapteyn, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 42, (2006).
1 A.S. Sandhu, E.. Gagnon, A.J. Paul, I.. Thomann, A.L. Lytle, T.. Keep, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, and I.. Christov, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
1 N.L. Wagner, A.. Wüest, I.. Christov, T.. Popmintchev, X.. Zhou, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, OPN 17, (2006).
1 N.L. Wagner, A.. Wüest, X.. Zhou, I.. Christov, T.. Popmintchev, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, (2006).
1 H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, and I.. Christov, Physics Today 58, (2005).
1 N.L. Wagner, E.. Gibson, T.. Popmintchev, I.. Christov, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004).
1 R.A. Bartels, I.. Christov, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, in Unknown (2004).
1 E.. Gibson, A.J. Paul, N.L. Wagner, D.M. Gaudiosi, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, and I.. Christov, in Unknown (IEEE, San Francisco, CA, 2004).
1 R.A. Bartels, M.. Murnane, H.. Kapteyn, I.. Christov, and H.. Rabitz, Phys. Rev. A 70, (2004).