James Faller

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1 D.. Hils, J.E. Faller, and J.L. Hall, Review of Scientific Instruments 57, (1986).
1 P.T. Keyser, and J.E. Faller, in (1986).
1 I.. Marson, and J.E. Faller, Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 19, (1986).
1 T.M. Niebauer, J.K. Hoskins, and J.E. Faller, Journal of Geophysical Research 91, (1986).
1 P.T. Keyser, T.M. Niebauer, and J.E. Faller, Physical Review Letters 56, (1986).
1 J.E. Faller, in (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1986).
1 R.L. Rinker, and J.E. Faller, in Unknown (1984).
1 P.T. Keyser, J.E. Faller, and K.H. McLagen, in (1984).
1 M.A. Zumberge, J.E. Faller, and R.L. Rinker, in (1984).
1 A.J.F. Metherell, C.C. Speake, Y.T. Chen, and J.E. Faller, in (Natl. Bur. Stand., 1984).