D. Farrelly

First name
Last name
1 J.N.L. Connor, P.R. Curtis, and D.. Farrelly, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 17, (1984).
1 D.. Farrelly, and W.P. Reinhardt, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 16, (1983).
1 D.. Farrelly, R.M. Hedges, and W.P. Reinhardt, Chemical Physics Letters 96, (1983).
1 W.. Molander, M.. Belsley, K.. Burnett, and D.. Farrelly, The Journal of Chemical Physics 79, (1983).
1 D.. Farrelly, and W.P. Reinhardt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 78, (1983).
1 B.R. Johnson, K.F. Scheibner, and D.. Farrelly, Physical Review Letters 51, (1983).
1 W.P. Reinhardt, and D.. Farrelly, in (Aussois, France, 1982).