J. Hutchinson

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1 J.S. Hutchinson, J.T. Hynes, and W.P. Reinhardt, Chemical Physics Letters 108, (1984).
1 J.S. Hutchinson, E.L. Sibert, and J.T. Hynes, The Journal of Chemical Physics 81, (1984).
1 E.L. Sibert, J.S. Hutchinson, J.T. Hynes, and W.P. Reinhardt, in (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1984), pp. 336–340.
1 J.S. Hutchinson, W.P. Reinhardt, and J.T. Hynes, The Journal of Chemical Physics 79, (1983).
1 E.L. Sibert, J.S. Hutchinson, W.P. Reinhardt, and J.T. Hynes, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 22, (1982).