W. Sandle

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1 J.N. Dodd, W.J. Sandle, and D.. Zissermann, Proceedings of the Physical Society 92, (1967).
1 A.. Streater, J.. Cooper, and W.J. Sandle, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 37, (1987).
1 W.J. Sandle, C.. Parigger, and R.J. Ballagh, in (SPIE, Quebec City, Canada, 1986).
1 W.J. Sandle, and C.. Parigger, in (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1986), pp. 231–234.
1 C.. Parigger, P.. Hannaford, and W.J. Sandle, Physical Review A 34, (1986).
1 M.W. Hamilton, and W.J. Sandle, in (Springer US, Boston, MA, 1984), pp. 39–44.
1 M.W. Hamilton, W.J. Sandle, J.. Chilwell, J.. Satchell, and D.M. Warrington, Optics Communications 48, (1983).
1 W.J. Sandle, and A.C. Gallagher, Physical Review A 24, (1981).
1 W.J. Sandle, R.J. Ballagh, and A.C. Gallagher, in (New York, Plenum Press, Asheville, NC, 1981).
1 R.J. Ballagh, J.. Cooper, M.W. Hamilton, W.J. Sandle, and D.M. Warrington, Optics Communications 37, (1981).