James Thompson

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Myers E., H.S. Margolis, J.K. Thompson, M. Farmer, J.D. Silver, and M.R. Tarbutt, Physical Review Letters 82, 4200-4203 (1999).
Thompson J.K., D. Howe, and E. Myers, Physical Review A 57, 180-188 (1998).
Myers E.G., J.K. Thompson, P.A. Allen, P.W.E. Barber, G.A. Brown, V.S. Griffin, B.G. Schmidt, and S.W. Trimble, Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors And Associated Equipment 372, 280-282 (1996).
Myers E., D. Howe, J.K. Thompson, and J.D. Silver, Physical Review Letters 76, 4899-4902 (1996).
Myers E., J.K. Thompson, E. Gavathas, N.R. Claussen, J.D. Silver, and D. Howe, Physical Review Letters 75, 3637-3640 (1995).
Bell E.W., X. Guo, J.L. Forand, K. Rinn, D.R. Swenson, J.K. Thompson, G.H. Dunn, M.E. Bannister, D. Gregory, R.A. Phaneuf, and A. Smith, Physical Review A 49, 4585-4596 (1994).
Thompson J.K., and D. Gregory, Physical Review A 50, 1377-1381 (1994).
van Emmichoven Z., M.E. Bannister, D. Gregory, C.C. Havener, R.A. Phaneuf, E.W. Bell, X. Guo, J.K. Thompson, and M. Sataka, Physical Review A 47, 2888-2892 (1993).
Guo X., E.W. Bell, J.K. Thompson, G.H. Dunn, M.E. Bannister, R.A. Phaneuf, and A. Smith, Physical Review A 47, R9 - R12 (1993).
Guo X.Q., E.W. Bell, J.K. Thompson, G.H. Dunn, M.E. Bannister, R.A. Phaneuf, and A.C.H. Smith, in Unknown (AIP, Manhattan, Kansas (Usa), 1993).