N. Hurlburt

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1 N.E. Hurlburt, J.. Toomre, J.M. Massaguer, and J.-P.. Zahn, The Astrophysical Journal 421, (1994).
1 F.. Cattaneo, N.H. Brummell, J.. Toomre, A.. Malagoli, and N.E. Hurlburt, The Astrophysical Journal 370, (1991).
1 F.. Cattaneo, N.E. Hurlburt, and J.. Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 349, (1990).
1 J.. Toomre, N.H. Brummell, F.. Cattaneo, and N.E. Hurlburt, Computer Physics Communications 59, (1990).