D. Luo

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1 D.. Luo, A.K. Pradhan, H.E. Saraph, P.J. Storey, and Y.. Yu, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 22, (1989).
1 D.. Luo, and A.K. Pradhan, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 22, (1989).
1 D.. Luo, A.K. Pradhan, and J.M. Shull, The Astrophysical Journal 335, (1988).
1 D.. Luo, J.B. Delos, and S.. Geltman, Physical Review A 37, (1988).
1 D.. Luo, R.A. McCray, and J.D. Slavin, The Astrophysical Journal 430, (1994).
1 Z.. Wang, Q.-Y.. Qu, D.. Luo, R.A. McCray, and M.-M.M. Low, The Astrophysical Journal 388, (1992).
1 D.. Luo, and R.A. McCray, The Astrophysical Journal 372, (1991).
1 D.. Luo, and R.A. McCray, The Astrophysical Journal 379, (1991).
1 D.. Luo, R.A. McCray, and M.-M.M. Low, The Astrophysical Journal 362, (1990).
1 D.. Luo, and A.K. Pradhan, Physical Review A 41, (1990).