K. Bergmann

First name
Last name
1 K.. Bergmann, and W.. Demtroder, The Journal of Chemical Physics 48, (1968).
1 K.. Bergmann, in (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1989).
1 U.. Hefter, and K.. Bergmann, in (Oxford University Press, USA, 1988), p. 193\textendash253.
1 U.. Hefter, G.. Ziegler, A.. Mattheus, A.. Fischer, and K.. Bergmann, The Journal of Chemical Physics 85, (1986).
1 A.. Mattheus, A.. Fischer, G.. Ziegler, E.. Gottwald, and K.. Bergmann, Physical Review Letters 56, (1986).
1 E.. Gottwald, A.. Mattheus, K.. Bergmann, and R.. Schinke, The Journal of Chemical Physics 84, (1986).
1 S.T. Cundiff, B.C. Collings, L.. Boivin, M.C. Nuss, K.. Bergmann, W.H. Knox, and S.G. Evangelides, Journal of Lightwave Technology 17, (1999).
1 S.T. Cundiff, B.C. Collings, N.N. Akhmediev, J.M. Soto-Crespo, K.. Bergmann, and W.H. Knox, Physical Review Letters 82, (1999).
1 S.T. Cundiff, B.C. Collings, N.N. Akhmediev, J.M. Soto-Crespo, K.. Bergmann, and W.H. Knox, Optics \& Photonics News 10, (1999).
1 B.C. Collings, S.T. Cundiff, N.N. Akhmediev, J.M. Soto-Crespo, K.. Bergmann, and W.H. Knox, in (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1998), pp. 35–37.