S. Smith

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1 S.J. Smith, (1979).
1 S.J. Smith, in (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, Munich, Germany, 1969).
1 S.J. Smith, in (1968).
1 R.L. Long, D.M. Cox, and S.J. Smith, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 72, (1968).
1 B.. Moisewitsch, and S.J. Smith, Reviews of Modern Physics 40, (1968).
1 L.M. Branscomb, S.J. Smith, and G.C. Tisone, The Journal of Chemical Physics 43, (1965).
1 G.E. Chamberlain, S.J. Smith, and D.W.O. Heddle, (1964).
1 G.E. Chamberlain, S.J. Smith, and D.W.O. Heddle, Physical Review Letters 12, (1964).
1 D.E. Nitz, P.B. Hogan, L.D. Schearer, and S.J. Smith, Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 12, (1979).
1 G.. Leuchs, S.J. Smith, E.. Khawaja, and H.. Walther, Optics Communications 31, (1979).