Laurent Vernac

First name
Last name
1 T.. Laupretre, A.M. Rey, L.. Vernac, and B.. Laburthe-Tolra, Submitted (2025).
1 Y.. Alaoui, S.R. Muleady, E.. Chaparro, Y.. Trifa, A.M.. Rey, T.. Roscilde, B.. Laburthe-Tolra, and L.. Vernac, Submitted (2024).
1 Y.. Alaoui, B.. Zhu, S.R. Muleady, W.. Dubosclard, T.. Roscilde, A.M.. Rey, B.. Laburthe-Tolra, and L.. Vernac, Physical Review Letters 129, (2022).
1 L.. Gabardos, B.. Zhu, S.. Lepoutre, A.M.. Rey, B.. Laburthe-Tolra, and L.. Vernac, Physical Review Letters 125, (2020).
1 P.. Fersterer, A.. Safavi-Naini, B.. Zhu, L.. Gabardos, S.. Lepoutre, L.. Vernac, B.. Laburthe-Tolra, B.. Blakie, and A.M.. Rey, Physical Review A 100, (2019).
1 S.. Lepoutre, J.. Schachenmayer, L.. Gabardos, B.. Zhu, B.. Naylor, E.. Maréchal, O.. Gorceix, A.M.. Rey, L.. Vernac, and B.. Laburthe-Tolra, Nature Communications 10, (2019).
1 S.. Lepoutre, K.. Kechadi, B.. Naylor, B.. Zhu, L.. Gabardos, L.. Isaev, P.. Pedri, A.M.. Rey, L.. Vernac, and B.. Laburthe-Tolra, Physical Review A 97, (2018).