Charles Durfee

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1 D.E. Couch, D.D. Hickstein, S.. Backus, D.. Winters, M.. Kirchner, S.. Domingue, J.. Ramirez, C.G. Durfee, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Optica 7, (2020).
1 C.G. Durfee, S.. Backus, H.. Kapteyn, and M.. Murnane, Optics Letters 24, (1999).
1 A.. Rundquist, C.G. Durfee, Z.. Chang, C.. Herne, S.. Backus, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Science 280, (1998).
1 S.. Backus, C.G. Durfee, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Review of Scientific Instruments 69, (1998).
1 C.G. Durfee, S.. Backus, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Optics Letters 22, (1997).
1 E.. Pisanty, D.D. Hickstein, B.R. Galloway, C.G. Durfee, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, and M.. Ivanov, New Journal of Physics 20, (2018).
1 P.-C.. Huang, C.. Hernández-García, J.-T.. Huang, P.-Y.. Huang, C.-H.. Lu, L.. Rego, D.D. Hickstein, J.L. Ellis, A.. Jaron-Becker, A.. Becker, S.-.. Da Yang, C.G. Durfee, L.. Plaja, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, A.H. Kung, and M.-C.. Chen, Nature Photonics 12, (2018).
1 J.L. Ellis, K.M. Dorney, C.G. Durfee, C.. Hernández-García, F.. Dollar, C.. Mancuso, T.. Fan, D.. Zusin, C.. Gentry, P.. Grychtol, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, and D.D. Hickstein, Optics Express 25, (2017).
1 S.. Backus, M.. Kirchner, R.. Lemons, D.. Schmidt, C.G. Durfee, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Optics Express 25, (2017).
1 S.. Backus, M.. Kirchner, C.G. Durfee, M.. Murnane, and H.. Kapteyn, Optics Express 25, (2017).