Jason Dexter

First name
Last name
1 J.. Dexter, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497, (2020).
1 R.. Narayan, D.. Palumbo, M.. Johnson, J.. Dexter, and et . al., The Astrophysical Journal 912, (2021).
1 J.C. Algaba, J.. Anczarski, J.. Dexter, and et . al., The Astrophysical Journal Letters 911, (2021).
1 K.. Akiyama, J.C. Algaba, A.. Alberdi, J.. Dexter, and et . al., The Astrophysical Journal Letters 910, (2021).
1 K.. Akiyama, J.C. Algaba, A.. Alberdi, J.. Dexter, and et . al., The Astrophysical Journal Letters 910, (2021).
1 C.. Goddi, I.. Martí-Vidal, H.. Messias, J.. Dexter, and et . al., The Astrophysical Journal Letters 910, (2021).
1 A.. Jimenez-Rosales, J.. Dexter, S.. Ressler, A.. Tchekhovskoy, M.. Bauböck, Y.. Dallilar, P.T. de Zeeuw, A.. Drescher, F.. Eisenhauer, S.. von Fellenberg, F.. Gao, R.. Genzel, S.. Gillessen, M.. Habibi, T.. Ott, J.. Stadler, O.. Straub, and F.. Widmann, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503, (2021).
1 J.. Wang, A.. Vigan, S.. Lacour, M.. Nowak, J.. Dexter, and et . al., The Astronomical Journal 161, (2021).
1 S.. Lacour, J.J. Wang, M.. Nowak, L.A. Pueyo, F.. Eisenhauer, A.-M.. Lagrange, P.. Mollière, R.. Abuter, A.. Amorin, R.. Asensio-Torres, J.. Dexter, and et . al., Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII (2020).
1 R.. Abuter, A.. Amorim, M.. Bauböck, J.P. Berger, H.. Bonnet, W.. Brandner, Y.. Clenet, R.. Davies, P.T. de Zeeuw, J.. Dexter, and et . al., Astronomy & Astrophysics 647, (2021).