Antígona Segura

First name
Last name
1 A.. Youngblood, K.. France, R.O.P. Loyd, A.. Brown, J.P. Mason, C.. Schneider, M.A. Tilley, Z.K. Berta-Thompson, A.P. Buccino, C.. Froning, S.L. Hawley, J.L. Linsky, P.J.D. Mauas, S.. Redfield, A.F. Kowalski, Y.. Miguel, E.R. Newton, S.. Rugheimer, A.. Segura, A.. Roberge, and M.. Vieytes, The Astrophysical Journal 843, (2017).
1 S.. Rugheimer, L.. Kaltenegger, A.. Segura, J.L. Linsky, and S.. Mohanty, The Astrophysical Journal 809, (2015).