John Bollinger

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1 S.. Hawaldar, P.. Shahi, A.. Carter, A.. Rey, J.J. Bollinger, and A.. Shankar, Phys. Rev. X 14, (2024).
1 D.. Barberena, S.R. Muleady, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M.. Rey, Quantum Science and Technology 9, (2024).
1 A.. Carter, S.R. Muleady, A.. Shankar, J.. Lilieholm, B.. Bullock, M.. Affolter, A.M.. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review A 107, (2023).
1 A.. Shankar, E.. Yuzbashyan, V.. Gurarie, P.. Zoller, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M.. Rey, P R X Quantum 3, (2022).
1 A.. Polloreno, A.M.. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Phys. Rev. Research 4, (2022).
1 K.. Gilmore, M.. Affolter, R.J. Lewis-Swan, D.. Barberena, E.. Jordan, A.M.. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Science 373, (2021).
1 R.. Lewis-Swan, S.R. Muleady, D.. Barberena, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M.. Rey, Phys. Rev. Res. 3, (2021).
1 A.. Shankar, C.. Tang, M.. Affolter, K.. Gilmore, D.. Dubin, S.. Parker, M.J. Holland, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review A 102, (2020).
1 R.J. Lewis-Swan, A.. Safavi-Naini, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M.. Rey, Nature Communications 10, (2019).
1 A.. Shankar, E.. Jordan, K.. Gilmore, A.. Safavi-Naini, J.J. Bollinger, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 99, (2019).