Justin Bohnet

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Jordan E., K. Gilmore, A. Shankar, A. Safavi-Naini, J.G. Bohnet, M.J. Holland, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review Letters 122, 053603 (2019).
Safavi-Naini A., R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.G. Bohnet, M. Gärttner, K. Gilmore, J.E. Jordan, J. Cohn, J.K. Freericks, A.M. Rey, and J.J. Bollinger, Physical Review Letters 121, (2018).
Cohn J., A. Safavi-Naini, R.J. Lewis-Swan, J.G. Bohnet, M. Gärttner, K. Gilmore, J.E. Jordan, A.M. Rey, J.J. Bollinger, and J.K. Freericks, New Journal Of Physics 20, 055013 (2018).
Weiner J.M., K.C. Cox, J.G. Bohnet, and J.K. Thompson, Physical Review A 95, 033808 (2017).
Shankar A., J. Cooper, J.G. Bohnet, J.J. Bollinger, and M.J. Holland, Physical Review A 95, 033423 (2017).
Gärttner M., J.G. Bohnet, A. Safavi-Naini, M.L. Wall, J.J. Bollinger, and A.M. Rey, Nature Physics 13739, 781-786 (2017).
Bohnet J.G., B.C. Sawyer, J.W. Britton, M.L. Wall, A.M. Rey, M. Foss-Feig, and J.J. Bollinger, Science 352, 1297-1301 (2016).
Bohnet J.G., A Superradiant Laser And Spin Squeezed States: Collective Phenomena In A Rubidium Cavity Qed System For Enhancing Precision Measurements, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014.
Bohnet J.G., K.C. Cox, M.A. Norcia, J.M. Weiner, Z. Chen, and J.K. Thompson, Nature Photonics (2014).
Cox K.C., M.A. Norcia, J.M. Weiner, J.G. Bohnet, and J.K. Thompson, Applied Physics Letters 105, 261102 (2014).