Gordon Dunn

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1 G.H. Dunn, J.W. Gallagher, and S.D. Rasberry, Physics Today 39, (1986).
1 D.H. Crandall, R.A. Phaneuf, D.. Gregory, A.M. Howald, D.W. Mueller, T.. Morgan, G.H. Dunn, D.. Griffin, and R.. Henry, Physical Review A 34, (1986).
1 A.M. Howald, D.. Gregory, F.W. Meyer, R.A. Phaneuf, A.. Müller, N.. Djurić, and G.H. Dunn, Physical Review A 33, (1986).
1 G.H. Dunn, in (Springer US, Boston, MA, 1986), pp. 93–115.
1 A.. Müller, D.S. Belić, B.D. DePaola, N.. Djurić, G.H. Dunn, D.W. Mueller, and C.. Timmer, Physical Review Letters 56, (1986).
1 A.. Müller, N.. Djurić, G.H. Dunn, and D.S. Belić, Review of Scientific Instruments 57, (1986).
1 J.A. Luine, and G.H. Dunn, The Astrophysical Journal 299, (1985).
1 D.. Gregory, D.H. Crandall, R.A. Phaneuf, A.M. Howald, G.H. Dunn, R.A. Falk, D.W. Mueller, and T.J. Morgan, (1985).
1 G.H. Dunn, in (Springer Vienna, Vienna, 1985), pp. 277–319.
1 G.H. Dunn, D.S. Belić, B.D. DePaola, N.. Djurić, D.W. Mueller, A.. Müller, and C.. Timmer, in (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1985), p. 405\textendash438.