Molly Wilker

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1 J.L. Ellis, D.D. Hickstein, W.. Xiong, F.. Dollar, B.B. Palm, E.. Keister, K.M. Dorney, C.. Ding, T.. Fan, M.B. Wilker, K.J. Schnitzenbaumer, G.. Dukovic, J.L. Jimenez, H.. Kapteyn, and M.. Murnane, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7, (2016).
1 J.L. Ellis, D.D. Hickstein, K.J. Schnitzenbaumer, M.B. Wilker, B.B. Palm, J.L. Jimenez, G.. Dukovic, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, and W.. Xiong, Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, (2015).