1 M.B. Raschke, E.J.D. Anderson, J.. Van Fosson, J.. Allaz, J.R. Smyth, R. \v Skoda, P.M. Persson, and R.. Becker, Mineralogical Magazine 82, (2018).
1 P.. Wang, E.J.D. Anderson, E.A. Muller, F.. Gao, Y.. Zhong, and M.B. Raschke, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 49, (2018).
1 M.B. Raschke, E.J.D. Anderson, J.. Allaz, H.. Friis, J.R. Smyth, R.. Tschernich, and R.. Becke, European Journal of Mineralogy (2015).