Avner Fleischer

First name
Last name
1 O.. Kfir, P.. Grychtol, E.. Turgut, R.. Knut, D.. Zusin, A.. Fleischer, E.. Bordo, T.. Fan, D.. Popmintchev, T.. Popmintchev, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, and O.. Cohen, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49, (2016).
1 C.. Mancuso, D.D. Hickstein, P.. Grychtol, R.. Knut, O.. Kfir, X.-M.. Tong, F.. Dollar, D.. Zusin, M.. Gopalakrishnan, C.. Gentry, E.. Turgut, J.L. Ellis, M.-C.. Chen, A.. Fleischer, O.. Cohen, H.. Kapteyn, and M.. Murnane, Physical Review A 91, (2015).
1 O.. Kfir, P.. Grychtol, E.. Turgut, R.. Knut, D.. Zusin, D.. Popmintchev, T.. Popmintchev, H.T. Nembach, J.M. Shaw, A.. Fleischer, H.. Kapteyn, M.. Murnane, and O.. Cohen, Nature Photonics (2014).