P. Young

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1 A.K. Dupree, A.. Lobel, P.R. Young, T.B. Ake, J.L. Linsky, and S.. Redfield, The Astrophysical Journal 622, (2005).
1 S.. Redfield, T.R. Ayres, J.L. Linsky, T.B. Ake, A.K. Dupree, R.D. Robinson, and P.R. Young, The Astrophysical Journal 585, (2003).
1 S.. Redfield, J.L. Linsky, T.B. Ake, T.R. Ayres, A.K. Dupree, R.D. Robinson, B.E. Wood, and P.R. Young, The Astrophysical Journal 581, (2002).
1 P.R. Young, A.K. Dupree, B.E. Wood, S.. Redfield, J.L. Linsky, T.B. Ake, and H.W. Moos, The Astrophysical Journal 555, (2001).
1 T.B. Ake, A.K. Dupree, P.R. Young, J.L. Linsky, R.F. Malina, N.W. Griffiths, O.H.W. Siegmund, and B.E. Woodgate, The Astrophysical Journal 538, (2000).