Kevin France

First name
Last name
1 C.. Fransson, J.. Larsson, K.. Migotto, D.. Pesce, P.M. Challis, R.. Chevalier, K.. France, R.. Kirshner, B.. Leibundgut, P.. Lundqvist, R.A. McCray, J.. Spyromilio, F.. Taddia, A.. Jerkstrand, S.. Mattila, N.. Smith, J.. Sollerman, J.C. Wheeler, A.. Crotts, P.. Garnavich, K.. Heng, S.. Lawrence, N.. Panagia, C.S.J. Pun, G.. Sonneborn, and B.. Sugerman, The Astrophysical Journal 806, (2015).
1 K.. France, J.L. Linsky, and R.O.P. Loyd, Astrophysics and Space Science 354, (2014).
1 F.. Tian, K.. France, J.L. Linsky, P.J.D. Mauas, and M.. Vieytes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 385, (2014).
1 J.L. Linsky, J.M. Fontenla, and K.. France, The Astrophysical Journal 780, (2014).
1 J.R. Kulow, K.. France, J.L. Linsky, and R.O.P. Loyd, The Astrophysical Journal 786, (2014).
1 K.. France, C.. Froning, J.L. Linsky, A.. Roberge, J.T. Stocke, F.. Tian, R.. Bushinsky, J.-M.. Desert, P.J.D. Mauas, M.. Vieytes, and L.M. Walkowicz, The Astrophysical Journal 763, (2013).
1 D.R. Ardila, G.J. Herczeg, S.G. Gregory, L.. Ingleby, K.. France, A.. Brown, S.. Edwards, C.M. Johns-Krall, J.L. Linsky, H.. Yang, J.A. Valenti, H.. Abgrall, R.D. Alexander, E.A. Bergin, T.. Bethell, J.M. Brown, N.. Calvet, C.. Espaillat, L.A. Hillenbrand, G.. Hussain, E.. Roueff, E.R. Schindhelm, and F.M. Walter, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 207, (2013).
1 J.L. Linsky, K.. France, and T.R. Ayres, The Astrophysical Journal 766, (2013).
1 J.L. Linsky, R.. Bushinsky, T.R. Ayres, and K.. France, The Astrophysical Journal 754, (2012).
1 J.L. Linsky, K.. France, and T.R. Ayres, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 8, (2012).