Eric Cornell

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1 S.. Tung, E.A. Cornell, G.. Lamporesi, and V.. Schweikhard, in Unknown (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Telluride, Colorado, USASingapore, 2008), pp. 3–10.
1 S.B. Papp, J.M. Pino, R.J. Wild, S.. Ronen, C.E. Wieman, D.S. Jin, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 101, (2008).
1 V.. Schweikhard, S.. Tung, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 99, (2007).
1 J.M. Obrecht, R.J. Wild, M.. Antezza, L.. Pitaevskii, S.. Stringari, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 98, (2007).
1 J.M. Obrecht, R.J. Wild, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review A 75, (2007).
1 S.. Tung, V.. Schweikhard, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
1 M.. Hoefer, M.J. Ablowitz, I.. Coddington, E.A. Cornell, P.. Engels, and V.. Schweikhard, Physical Review A 74, (2006).
1 P.. Engels, I.. Coddington, V.. Schweikhard, and E.A. Cornell, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 134, (2004).
1 V.. Schweikhard, I.. Coddington, P.. Engels, S.. Tung, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 93, (2004).
1 V.. Schweikhard, I.. Coddington, P.. Engels, S.. Tung, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 93, (2004).