D. Elliott

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1 W.. Ohnesorge, F.. Diedrich, G.. Leuchs, D.S. Elliott, and H.. Walther, Physical Review A 29, (1984).
1 G.. Leuchs, E.. Matthias, D.S. Elliott, S.J. Smith, and P.. Zoller, in (Sprinter-Verlag, Berlin, Interlaken, Switzerland, 1983).
1 D.S. Elliott, R.. Roy, and S.J. Smith, in (Walter De Gruyter Incorporated, Boulder, Colorado, 1983).
1 E.. Matthias, P.. Zoller, D.S. Elliott, N.D. Piltch, S.J. Smith, and G.. Leuchs, Physical Review Letters 50, (1983).
1 D.S. Elliott, and J.F. Ward, Journal of the Optical Society of America 73, (1983).
1 R.. Roy, D.S. Elliott, D.. Meschede, F.M. Pipkin, and S.J. Smith, in (Walter De Gruyter Incorporated, Boulder, Colorado, 1983).
1 R.. Roy, D.S. Elliott, D.. Meschede, F.M. Pipkin, and S.J. Smith, Chemical Physics Letters 93, (1982).
1 D.S. Elliott, R.. Roy, and S.J. Smith, Physical Review A 26, (1982).
1 B.. Do, J.. Cha, D.S. Elliott, and S.J. Smith, Physical Review A 60, (1999).
1 B.. Do, J.. Cha, D.S. Elliott, and S.J. Smith, Physical Review A 58, (1998).