Steven Cundiff

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1 K.L. Silverman, M.. Feng, R.P. Mirin, and S.T. Cundiff, in (Springer New York, New York, NY, 2012), pp. 23–48.
1 D.D. Hudson, J.N. Kutz, T.R. Schibli, Q.. Chao, D.N. Christodoulides, R.. Morandotti, and S.T. Cundiff, Physical Review A 85, (2012).
1 A.D. Bristow, T.. Zhang, M.E. Siemens, S.T. Cundiff, and R.P. Mirin, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115, (2011).
1 G.A. Moody, M.E. Siemens, A.D. Bristow, X.. Dai, D.. Karaiskaj, A.S. Bracker, D.. Gammon, and S.T. Cundiff, Physica Status Solidi (b) 248, (2011).
1 S.T. Cundiff, in 1st ed. (CRC Press Taylor \& Francis group, 2011), p. 371\textendash396.
1 J.K. Wahlstrand, H.. Zhang, S.B. Choi, S.. Kannan, D.. Dessau, J.E. Sipe, and S.T. Cundiff, Physical Review Letters 106, (2011).
1 B.. Scherger, M.. Scheller, N.. Vieweg, S.T. Cundiff, and M.. Koch, Optics Express 19, (2011).
1 J.K. Wahlstrand, S.T. Cundiff, and J.E. Sipe, Physical Review B 83, (2011).
1 M.. Kira, S.W. Koch, R.P. Smith, A.E. Hunter, and S.T. Cundiff, Nature Physics 7, (2011).
1 G.A. Moody, M.E. Siemens, A.D. Bristow, X.. Dai, A.S. Bracker, D.. Gammon, and S.T. Cundiff, Physical Review B 83, (2011).