Jeffrey Linsky

First name
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1 T.. Ayres, G.. Basri, T.. Simon, J.. Stauffer, R.. Stern, S.. Antiochos, J.. Bookbinder, A.. Brown, G.. Doschek, J.L. Linsky, L.. Ramsey, and F.. Walter, 64, (1994).
1 H.. Dempsey, J.. Neff, J.L. Linsky, and A.. Brown, 176, (1996).
1 H.. Dempsey, J.. Neff, J.L. Linsky, and A.. Brown, 176, (1996).
1 J.L. Linsky, (1994).
1 J.L. Linsky, and B.. Wood, 109, (1996).
1 J.L. Linsky, and B.. Wood, 64, (1994).
1 J.L. Linsky, and M.. Gagne, 154, (1998).
1 J.. Neff, J.L. Linsky, W.. Landsman, and K.. Carpenter, 263, (1986).
1 J.L. Linsky, (1998).
1 J.L. Linsky, B.E. Wood, and S.. Redfield, 7, (2011).