Ellen Zweibel

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1 C.. Uberoi, and E.G. Zweibel, Journal of Plasma Physics 62, (1999).
1 M.M. Swisdak III, and E.G. Zweibel, The Astrophysical Journal 512, (1999).
1 Y.. Fan, E.G. Zweibel, and S.R. Lantz, The Astrophysical Journal 493, (1998).
1 Y.. Fan, E.G. Zweibel, M.G. Linton, and G.H. Fisher, The Astrophysical Journal 505, (1998).
1 E.G. Zweibel, Physics of Plasmas 5, (1998).
1 E.G. Zweibel, The Astrophysical Journal 499, (1998).
1 E.G. Zweibel, La Recherche: Naissance Et Histoire Du Cosmos 90, (1998).
1 B.. Hindman, R.. Jain, and E.G. Zweibel, The Astrophysical Journal 476, (1997).
1 R.V.E. Lovelace, and E.G. Zweibel, The Astrophysical Journal 485, (1997).
1 E.G. Zweibel, and R.V.E. Lovelace, The Astrophysical Journal 475, (1997).