R. Levine

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1 R.. Levine, N.Y. Gnedin, and A.J.S. Hamilton, The Astrophysical Journal 716, (2010).
1 R.. Levine, N.Y. Gnedin, and A.J.S. Hamilton, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 5, (2009).
1 R.. Levine, N.Y. Gnedin, A.J.S. Hamilton, S.. Heinz, and E.. Wilcots, in Unknown (AIP, Fluno Center, Madison (Wisconsin), 2009), pp. 96–99.
1 R.. Levine, N.Y. Gnedin, A.J.S. Hamilton, and A.V. Kravtsov, The Astrophysical Journal 678, (2008).
1 R.. Levine, and N.Y. Gnedin, The Astrophysical Journal 649, (2006).