G. Curto

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1 R.P. Mignani, D.. Ray, V.. Testa, G.L. Israel, G.. Marconi, S.. Mereghetti, P.. Jonker, R.. Turolla, R.. Perna, S.. Zane, G.L. Curto, and S.. Chaty, Astronomy and Astrophysics 497, (2009).
1 V.. Testa, N.. Rea, R.P. Mignani, G.L. Israel, R.. Perna, S.. Chaty, L.. Stella, S.. Covino, R.. Turolla, S.. Zane, G.L. Curto, S.. Campana, G.. Marconi, and S.. Mereghetti, Astronomy and Astrophysics 482, (2008).
1 R.P. Mignani, R.. Perna, N.. Rea, G.L. Israel, S.. Mereghetti, and G.L. Curto, Astronomy and Astrophysics 471, (2007).
1 R.P. Mignani, S.. Bagnulo, A.. De Luca, G.L. Israel, G.L. Curto, C.. Motch, R.. Perna, N.. Rea, R.. Turolla, and S.. Zane, in (Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2007), pp. 203–210.
1 G.L. Curto, R.P. Mignani, R.. Perna, and G.L. Israel, Astronomy and Astrophysics 473, (2007).
1 G.L. Israel, S.. Covino, R.P. Mignani, L.. Stella, G.. Marconi, V.. Testa, S.. Mereghetti, S.. Campana, N.. Rea, D.. Gotz, R.. Perna, and G.L. Curto, Astronomy and Astrophysics 438, (2005).