M. Stowe

First name
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1 J.. Ye, S.. Blatt, M.M. Boyd, S.M. Foreman, T.. Ido, R.J. Jones, A.D. Ludlow, A.. Marian, K.D. Moll, M.. Notcutt, M.C. Stowe, M.J. Thorpe, and T.. Zelevinsky, in Unknown (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Aviemore, Scotland UKSingapore, 2005).
1 E.E. Eyler, D.E. Chieda, M.C. Stowe, M.J. Thorpe, T.R. Schibli, and J.. Ye, European Journal of Physics D 48, (2008).
1 M.C. Stowe, Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy and High-Resolution Coherent Control, University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
1 M.C. Stowe, A.. Pe’er, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 100, (2008).
1 M.C. Stowe, M.J. Thorpe, A.. Pe’er, J.. Ye, J.E. Stalnaker, V.. Gerginov, and S.A. Diddams, in Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Elsevier, 2008), pp. 1–60.
1 A.. Pe’er, E.. Shapiro, M.C. Stowe, M.. Shapiro, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 98, (2007).
1 F.C. Cruz, M.C. Stowe, and J.. Ye, Optics Letters 31, (2006).
1 M.C. Stowe, F.C. Cruz, A.. Marian, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 96, (2006).
1 A.. Marian, M.C. Stowe, D.. Felinto, and J.. Ye, Physical Review Letters 95, (2005).
1 J.. Ye, A.. Marian, M.C. Stowe, J.R. Lawall, and D.. Felinto, Science 306, (2004).