Remy Indebetouw

First name
Last name
1 F.J. Abellán, R.. Indebetouw, J.M. Marcaide, M.. Gabler, C.. Fransson, J.. Spyromilio, D.N. Burrows, R.. Chevalier, P.. Cigan, B.M. Gaensler, H.L. Gomez, H.-T.. Janka, R.. Kirshner, J.. Larsson, P.. Lundqvist, M.. Matsuura, R.A. McCray, C.-Y.. Ng, S.. Park, P.. Roche, L.. Staveley-Smith, T.. van Loon, J.C. Wheeler, and S.. Woosley, The Astrophysical Journal 842, (2017).
1 M.. Matsuura, R.. Indebetouw, S.. Woosley, V.. Bujarrabal, F.J. Abellán, R.A. McCray, J.. Kamenetzky, C.. Fransson, M.J. Barlow, H.L. Gomez, P.. Cigan, I.. De Looze, J.. Spyromilio, L.. Staveley-Smith, G.. Zanardo, P.. Roche, J.. Larsson, S.. Viti, T.. van Loon, J.C. Wheeler, M.. Baes, R.. Chevalier, P.. Lundqvist, J.M. Marcaide, E.. Dwek, M.. Meixner, C.-Y.. Ng, G.. Sonneborn, and J.. Yates, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 469, (2017).
1 R.. Indebetouw, M.. Matsuura, E.. Dwek, G.. Zanardo, M.J. Barlow, M.. Baes, P.. Bouchet, D.N. Burrows, R.. Chevalier, G.C. Clayton, C.. Fransson, B.M. Gaensler, R.. Kirshner, M.. Lakicevic, K.S. Long, P.. Lundqvist, I.. Marti-Vidal, J.M. Marcaide, R.A. McCray, M.. Meixner, C.-Y.. Ng, S.. Park, G.. Sonneborn, L.. Staveley-Smith, C.. Vlahakis, and J.. van Loon, The Astrophysical Journal 782, (2014).
1 J.. Kamenetzky, R.A. McCray, R.. Indebetouw, M.J. Barlow, M.. Matsuura, M.. Baes, J.A.D.L. Blommaert, A.. Bolatto, L.. Decin, L.. Dunne, C.. Fransson, J.. Glenn, H.L. Gomez, M.A.T. Groenewegen, R.. Hopwood, R.. Kirshner, M.. Lakicevic, J.M. Marcaide, I.. Marti-Vidal, M.. Meixner, P.. Royer, A.. Soderberg, G.. Sonneborn, L.. Staveley-Smith, B.M. Swinyard, G.. Van de Steene, P.A.M. van Hoof, T.. van Loon, J.. Yates, and G.. Zanardo, The Astrophysical Journal 773, (2013).
1 R.. Indebetouw, and J.M. Shull, The Astrophysical Journal 607, (2004).
1 R.. Indebetouw, and J.M. Shull, The Astrophysical Journal 605, (2004).
1 R.. Indebetouw, K.E. Johnson, and P.S. Conti, The Astronomical Journal 128, (2004).
1 R.. Indebetouw, and E.G. Zweibel, The Astrophysical Journal 532, (2000).