Rosalba Perna

First name
Last name
1 J.A. Pons, and R.. Perna, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 342, (2012).
1 B.. Giacomazzo, R.. Perna, L.. Rezzolla, E.. Troja, and D.. Lazzati, The Astrophysical Journal 762, (2012).
1 R.. Perna, K.. Heng, and F.. Pont, The Astrophysical Journal 751, (2012).
1 R.. Perna, and J.A. Pons, The Astrophysical Journal 727, (2011).
1 J.A. Pons, and R.. Perna, The Astrophysical Journal 741, (2011).
1 A.. Janiuk, Y.-F.. Yuan, R.. Perna, and T.. Di Matteo, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 6, (2011).
1 F.. Bernardini, R.. Perna, E.V. Gotthelf, G.L. Israel, N.. Rea, and L.. Stella, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 418, (2011).
1 B.. Posselt, K.. Schreyer, R.. Perna, M.W. Sommer, B.. Klein, and P.O. Slane, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 405, (2010).
1 R.. Perna, K.. Menou, and E.. Rauscher, The Astrophysical Journal 724, (2010).
1 P.B. Robinson, R.. Perna, D.. Lazzati, and A.J. van Marle, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 401, (2010).