V. Schweikhard

First name
Last name
1 T.. Simula, P.. Engels, I.. Coddington, V.. Schweikhard, E.A. Cornell, and R.J. Ballagh, Physical Review Letters 94, (2005).
1 A.. Grubisic, V.. Schweikhard, T.A. Baker, and D.J. Nesbitt, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, (2013).
1 A.. Grubisic, V.. Schweikhard, T.A. Baker, and D.J. Nesbitt, ACS Nano 7, (2013).
1 V.. Schweikhard, A.. Grubisic, T.A. Baker, I.. Thomann, and D.J. Nesbitt, ACS Nano 5, (2011).
1 V.. Schweikhard, A.. Grubisic, T.A. Baker, and D.J. Nesbitt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, (2011).
1 V.. Schweikhard, Ultracold Bose Gases under Rotation, in Lattice Potentials, and Both, University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
1 S.. Tung, E.A. Cornell, G.. Lamporesi, and V.. Schweikhard, in Unknown (World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Telluride, Colorado, USASingapore, 2008), pp. 3–10.
1 V.. Schweikhard, S.. Tung, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 99, (2007).
1 S.. Tung, V.. Schweikhard, and E.A. Cornell, Physical Review Letters 97, (2006).
1 M.. Hoefer, M.J. Ablowitz, I.. Coddington, E.A. Cornell, P.. Engels, and V.. Schweikhard, Physical Review A 74, (2006).