John Jefferies

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1 G.. Curtis, and J.. Jefferies, (1969).
1 J.. Jefferies, in (Reinhold Publishing, 1962), p. 703.
1 J.. Jefferies, F.. Orrall, and J.. Zirker, Solar Physics 22, (1972).
1 J.. Jefferies, F.. Orrall, and J.. Zirker, Solar Physics 22, (1972).
1 J.. Jefferies, F.. Orrall, and J.. Zirker, Solar Physics 22, (1972).
1 C.. Kunasz, J.. Jefferies, and O.. White, Astronomy and Astrophysics. 28, (1973).
1 J.. Jefferies, and F.. Orrall, The Astrophysical Journal 135, (1962).
1 J.. Jefferies, and F.. Orrall, The Astrophysical Journal 137, (1963).
1 J.. Jefferies, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 3, (1963).
1 J.. Bainbridge, and J.. Jefferies, 56, (1965).