Carl Hansen

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1 S.D. Kawaler, D.E. Winget, and C.J. Hansen, The Astrophysical Journal 295, (1985).
1 S.D. Kawaler, D.E. Winget, and C.J. Hansen, The Astrophysical Journal 298, (1985).
1 M.L. Aizenman, C.J. Hansen, W.D. Pesnell, and J.P. Cox, The Astrophysical Journal 286, (1984).
1 P.N. McDermott, M.P. Savedoff, H.M. Van Horn, E.G. Zweibel, and C.J. Hansen, The Astrophysical Journal 281, (1984).
1 N.A. Roughton, T.P. Intrator, R.J. Peterson, C.S. Zaidins, and C.J. Hansen, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 28, (1983).
1 D.E. Winget, H.M. Van Horn, M.. Tassoul, C.J. Hansen, and G.. Fontaine, Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor 268, (1983).
1 D.E. Winget, C.J. Hansen, and H.M. Van Horn, Nature 303, (1983).
1 B.W. Carroll, and C.J. Hansen, Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 263, (1982).
1 D.E. Winget, H.M. Van Horn, M.. Tassoul, G.. Fontaine, C.J. Hansen, and B.W. Carroll, The Astrophysical Journal 252, (1982).
1 D.E. Winget, H.M. Van Horn, and C.J. Hansen, The Astrophysical Journal 245, (1981).