TY - THES AU - J. Zirbel AB -
This thesis presents experiments creating heteronuclear diatomic molecules from ultracold mixtures of atomic bosons and fermions. The work presented takes advantage of a type of scattering resonance, known as a magnetic Feshbach resonance, to efficiently and selectively create the fermionic molecules. I present studies of the weakly bound, highly vibrationally excited molecules created near the Feshbach resonance. These molecules have inelastic collisions that are affected by the particular atoms involved in the collisions. Inelastic collisions are enhanced or suppressed depending on whether the colliding atoms are bosonic, fermionic, or distinguishable when compared to the molecule\textquoterights constituent atoms.
CY - Boulder N2 -This thesis presents experiments creating heteronuclear diatomic molecules from ultracold mixtures of atomic bosons and fermions. The work presented takes advantage of a type of scattering resonance, known as a magnetic Feshbach resonance, to efficiently and selectively create the fermionic molecules. I present studies of the weakly bound, highly vibrationally excited molecules created near the Feshbach resonance. These molecules have inelastic collisions that are affected by the particular atoms involved in the collisions. Inelastic collisions are enhanced or suppressed depending on whether the colliding atoms are bosonic, fermionic, or distinguishable when compared to the molecule\textquoterights constituent atoms.
PB - University of Colorado Boulder PP - Boulder PY - 2008 TI - Ultracold Fermionic Feshbach Molecules ER -